PS I Love You!


I grew up going to Palm Springs.  It was a quick two-hour jaunt from Los Angeles.  My parents were able to purchase a sweet  condo back in the 70’s for about 10 cents!  Seriously though, property was cheap back in the day because there was so much land.  Vast expanses of dessert, palm trees and tumble weeds.  In the midst of this was that perfect oasis of downtown Palm Springs.  “The Strip” (aka Highway 111),  was the center of the city and about a half a mile long.  Dotted with little shops in Spanish style buildings, fountains and restaurants, this one way four lane street was always teeming with life, even in the 110 degree summers.


PS was always old school cool tome.  The city itself was a huge influence on my design style.  When my parents were house hunting, I LOVED going to open houses with them.  Imagine all those great 70’s style & mid century modern model homes we checked out.  Lemon yellow and golf course green, brass, campaign chests, Parsons tables!  Oh it was lovely.

My love affair with Palm Springs slowly dissipated as I grew older, had kids and couldn’t take the heat.  It had been close to fifteen years since I last visited.  Oh, how I missed it.  And how I missed the colors, the palms, the bright blue skies.  My parents condo in particular was a treasure trove of vintage, classic Palm Springs.  They haven’t changed the decor of the place since 1975.  It is so old, it’s new again!  Since it was only used a few times a year, it’s pristine!  I wished I had brought my real camera.  Instead, I only had my iPad and Iphone to document the fabulous!  Here are a few shots.


A vintage cane chair!



20131217-112512.jpg Dresser and green carpet


That lamp!


Landline phone in Tiffany Blue…sigh



Friday Music Alert!

Even though I love and adore Frank Sinatra, I’ve decided to change the Fridays With Frank posts to just a plain old Friday music post.  There is so much good stuff out there, both old and new, I wanted to celebrate all the different genres, not just classic Sinatra.

Which leads me to this song, which I CANNOT get out of my head!!  I sing it, hum it, and smile when thinking about it.  This is the edited, clean version.  The unrated version is wild, but worth a peek. Enjoy and HAPPY WEEKEND!!

Friday’s With Frank Has Been Totally Hi-Jacked


Just feeling so totally 80’s today.  Sorry Mr. Sinatra, but Adam Ant is so under-rated and I felt it was time to give him some props.

So ahead of his time.  The video still holds up if you asked me.  Enjoy and happy weekend!

Fridays With Frank and Redd

FrankSinatra9Oh how I loved the Dean Martin Celebrity roasts.  This one of Frank from 1978 is fantastically 70’s.  All the old Hollywood start are middle aged and boozy, smoking and cracking jokes.  It’s classic.

Here’s one of my favorite comics from the era, Red Foxx giving Frank the business.

Fridays With Frank and I Love Paris


I have only been to Paris once, but once was enough for me to fall in love with the city.   It was amazing and beautiful and friendly.  Yes, the French were just wonderful, despite their reputation.  So, two days ago when I drove my daughter Calli to LAX to board a plane to Paris and to her French boyfriend,  I was filled with happiness and excitement for her.  Sad that I won’t be seeing her for awhile, but hopeful that she was going to experience Paris with her love!

I love this video of Frank singing and Paris in all her glory!

Friday’s With Frank and a Warm Summer Wind

FrankSinatra9How I loved this song!  I remember watching the opening of the 1984 movie Pope of Greenwich Village starring Mickey Rourke.  This was back when Mr. R was an up and coming actor.  The movie starts with his character getting dressed to the Frank Sinatra classic.  Oh for the days when Mickey was hot and NYC was gritty!  Check out the very 80’s trailer.

So, on this first day of summer I give you Summer Wind.

Friday’s With Frank and a Celebrity Roast


I used to love watching the Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts.  This is classic Don Rickles roasting not only Frank, but Ronald Reagan, Gene Kelly, Milton Berle, Orson Welles,  to name a few.  But in the end, even Rickles pays tribute to Sinatra.  Funny stuff.

Friday’s with Frank and Oscar

I just finished reading a great book on Sinatra called The Voice, written by James Kaplan, (Frank was the original Voice people…not that goofy show on TV).  The book chronicles Sinatra’s life from childhood until he wins the Oscar as Best Supporting Actor in 1954.  The win goes down in history as one of the biggest comebacks in the history of Hollywood.Before Frank won the role of Pvt. Angelo Maggio in From Here to Eternity, he was broke, everyone hated him,  no one wanted to hire him to sing, let alone act and he had just attempted suicide after the love of his life, Ava Gardner gave him the boot.  

Myth has it the Mob had something to do with his Oscar win.  The movie  The Godfather is pure fiction according to The Voice, which chronicles the work and the talent that got Frank the part and ultimately the Oscar.
Here he is accepteding the award from Mercedes McCambridge at the 1954 Oscar Ceremonies, hosted by none other than Donald O’Connor!! , who gets a big kiss from Frank.  Love it and his acceptance speech! Watch and enjoy.