Mrs. Robinson’s Bar and Other Stuff in “The Graduate”

We got to enjoy another great movie last night presented by Cinespia at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery.  One of my all time favorites!  The Graduate!

Along with the great acting, cinemotography and that fabulous Simon and Garfunkle music, I love the sets!  The mid century modern stylings of the era are amazing!   Of course the movie was very current at the time.  Nineteen sixty-eight to be exact, the decors and sets were absolutely beautifully done and have stood the test of time.

Here are a few of my favorite sets from famous scenes in The Graduate.

OMG that coat...sorry back to the sets

OMG that coat…sorry back to the sets

More of Mrs. Robinson's Bar....that would be a great name for a bar!!

More of Mrs. Robinson’s Bar….that would be a great name for a bar!!

Even the hotel room was classy!

Even the hotel room was classy!

Probably because it was filmed at the historic Ambassador Hotel. Sadly, it's no longer there.

Probably because it was filmed at the historic Ambassador Hotel. Sadly, it’s no longer there.


Mrs. Robinson’s foyer. Pretty swanky.


Benjamin Braddock’s house wasn’t too bad either.


The Braddocks' back yard

The Braddock’s Back Yard

Mrs. Robinson's Manse...nice digs, why did she need to drink and have affairs?

Mrs. Robinson’s Manse…nice digs, why did she need to drink and have affairs?

Elaine's room.  Love her portrait!

Elaine’s room. Love her portrait!


One last shot of the bar for the road!

Friday’s With Frank and a Warm Summer Wind

FrankSinatra9How I loved this song!  I remember watching the opening of the 1984 movie Pope of Greenwich Village starring Mickey Rourke.  This was back when Mr. R was an up and coming actor.  The movie starts with his character getting dressed to the Frank Sinatra classic.  Oh for the days when Mickey was hot and NYC was gritty!  Check out the very 80’s trailer.

So, on this first day of summer I give you Summer Wind.

Hollywood Forever Cemetery + Pulp Fiction + Good Friends = Fun Stuff

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Friday’s with Frank and Oscar

I just finished reading a great book on Sinatra called The Voice, written by James Kaplan, (Frank was the original Voice people…not that goofy show on TV).  The book chronicles Sinatra’s life from childhood until he wins the Oscar as Best Supporting Actor in 1954.  The win goes down in history as one of the biggest comebacks in the history of Hollywood.Before Frank won the role of Pvt. Angelo Maggio in From Here to Eternity, he was broke, everyone hated him,  no one wanted to hire him to sing, let alone act and he had just attempted suicide after the love of his life, Ava Gardner gave him the boot.  

Myth has it the Mob had something to do with his Oscar win.  The movie  The Godfather is pure fiction according to The Voice, which chronicles the work and the talent that got Frank the part and ultimately the Oscar.
Here he is accepteding the award from Mercedes McCambridge at the 1954 Oscar Ceremonies, hosted by none other than Donald O’Connor!! , who gets a big kiss from Frank.  Love it and his acceptance speech! Watch and enjoy.